Youth Ministry

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Our Mission

Our mission is to reach youth through evangelization, form them through catechesis and inspire them through service, thereby empowering them to serve others in their parish, community, and world. We do this by reaching out to our youth (grades 6-12) in a variety of ways:

  1. Themed evening gatherings and community building events.

  2. Service projects with our church community and the greater Louisville area.

  3. Mentoring programs to help create prayer leaders for our Masses.

  4. Inviting them to attend broader church events such as Archdiocesan retreats and National Youth Conferences.

How Can I Get Involved?

Youth in 6th – 8th grade can come to formation sessions on Sunday evenings twice a month from 6:30 pm – 7:45 pm. Please see the schedule above for gathering dates.

High School Youth can join us for formation sessions every other Sunday from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.   We ask that all youth dress appropriately (no short-short skirts or shirts with inappropriate themes or wording).

Adults that want to collaborate with the Youth Ministry Program are invited, please contact Chad Bader to learn of ways you can get involved.

 Adults collaborate by praying, helping with formation sessions, planning events and assisting youth. (All adults need to have a current background check done through the parish office and attended safe environment through the Louisville Archdiocese). 

Stay Connected

If you have any questions, email Chad at .

9 – 12 grade students or parents interested in receiving Remind App messages, should text @strymhs to 81010.

6 – 8 grade students or parents interested in receiving Remind App messages, should text @strymjr to 81010.

The Remind App will be the primary means of communication for meeting reminders, service events, or deadlines.