Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
At St. Raphael Catholic Church and School we offer the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd both in Level One (for children ages 3-6/ preschool - 1st grade) and Level Two (for children ages 6-9/ 2nd - 4th grade).
Children are able to connect with God as they develop a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith and fall in love with God.
-Matthew 19:14 “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the Kingdom of Heaven.”
To register for the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd [Click Here]
To see the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd calendar [Click Here]
What is Catechesis of the Good Shepherd?
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is a Montessori influenced faith formation experience for passing on the Catholic faith to children. It is rooted in the Bible, liturgy of the Church, and the educational principles of Maria Montessori. It originated in Rome in 1954 quite by accident, without warning or planning, the way God so often comes into our lives, when Scripture scholar Sofia Cavalletti and her Montessori collaborator, Gianna Gobbi, were asked to give religious instruction to children. Through this experience they saw in the children, a way of being in the presence of God that is unique to the child and a gift to the adult who stops long enough to notice. CGS nurtures the wonder and curiosity of the child as well as provides materials that satisfy the hands-on nature of learning of the child. Each child is approached with a deep respect and viewed not as a blank piece of paper for the adult to write on, but rather viewed as having a unique design by God that is the for the adult to foster as the child grows in their relationship with God.
What is the Atrium?
The Atrium is one of the most important elements that helps the relationship between God and the child to flourish. Children gather in a room specially prepared for them, called an Atrium, which contains simple, yet beautiful materials that they use to draw near to God. In the early Church, the Atrium was the place where the catechumens were prepared. For the child, the Atrium is a place of preparation for involvement in the larger worshipping community. The Atrium is “more like a church than a classroom.” (Religious Potential of the Child, 1992).
While in the atrium, the catechist invites the child into prayer, gives a presentation that is based on Scripture or liturgy, and provides the child time for personal work. Beautifully handmade child-sized materials fill the room. Catechists listens to God with your child while honoring the need to “help me come closer to God by myself.”
The Atrium at St. Raphael is located on the main level of the school.
When is the Atrium?
School: Each class from preschool through 5th grade at St. Raphael School comes into the CGS Atrium once a week to supplement their religious curriculum taught in the classroom.
Parish: The Atrium is open to children ages Pre-K thru 1st grade every Sunday during the 8:30am and 10:30am Mass. Please drop your child off before Mass to the Atrium which is located on the main floor of the school.
Level 1: The 3- to 6-year-old child : During the 8:30am and 10:30am Mass on Sunday
Children in this age range are in the absorbent stage of development and filled with wonder and awe. Our youngest friends joyfully encounter the Good Shepherd and discover his unconditional love and care.
Through CGS, we also offer a beautiful meditation series for our children preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
Tour of the Atrium
Practical Life
The first weeks in the Atrium focus on Practical Life exercises. “Practical” means basic, useful, purposeful. “Life” means way of living. Practical Life exercises are so that the child can learn to do practical activities in a purposeful way. These simple, yet purposeful activities develop concentration, self-control, and allow the child opportunities to contribute to life in the Atrium. The children learn how to be together, how to care for the materials and the environment, how to work, how to listen, pray and wonder as they enjoy God’s presence in the Atrium.
In the Atrium, concentration leads to contemplation, and contemplation leads to prayer.
Prayer Table
The Prayer Table is where the children learn that prayer is listening to God and responding.
The Holy Bible is lifted up as our most precious book containing God’s words to us.
A favorite work in the Atrium is “setting” the Prayer Table with the liturgical color cloth, Bible, candle, religious statues and Prayer Card (often made by the child).
The Model Altar
With the Model Altar, children learn to name and identify the articles of the Mass. This work prepares them for future catechetical work and instills a reverence for the articles of the Mass in the child. They feel at home in the church and it prepares them for fuller participation in the Mass.
The Good Shepherd Table
At the table of the Good Shepherd, the parable from John 10 is proclaimed and the children are invited to fall in love with God by knowing Jesus, the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd knows His sheep and calls them by name, and the sheep recognize His voice and listen to Him.
Biblical Geography
Learning about the geographical context of Jesus’ life in Israel anchors the child in reality. The child absorbs through a variety of sensory materials that Jesus is a real person, who lived in a real time, who was born of a human mother, but also of God. He was born, lived, died, and rose again in a real place on earth – the land of Israel.
The geography works include:
· A globe
· A topographical map of the land of Israel
· A wooden puzzle map of Israel
· Wooden pieces to build the city of Jerusalem
Biblical Geography also plants the seeds of understanding for the child of Micah 5:1, “I choose you, Israel, not because you are great, but because you are small.” The child is invited to ponder that God chooses the small and humble to do His great work, a very important idea to a child.
Infancy Narratives
Each Infancy Narrative includes a Scripture booklet, a diorama for each story as well as 3-D figures. The Infancy Narratives include:
· The Annunciation
· The Visitation
· Birth of Jeus and the Adoration of the Shepherds
· Adoration of the Magi
· The Presentation at the Temple
Kingdom Parables
The Kingdom Parables invite the child to discover secrets hidden in the Parables, and to wonder about God’s Kingdom which surrounds them and is within them. The Kingdom Parables include:
· Parable of the Mustard Seed
· Parable of the Precious Pearl
· Parable of the Yeast
· Parable of the Growing Seed
· Parable of the Hidden Treasure
The Risen Christ shares His life and light with us in a most particular way through Baptism. Baptism is such an incredible gift and in the Baptism area of the Atrium the child learns more about the signs used when they received the light of Christ.
· Holy Water
· Light - Paschal Candle and Baptismal Candle
· Holy Oils
· White Garment
· Word of God
Paschal Mystery
During the seasons of Lent and Easter, the focus in the Atrium is on the events surrounding Jesus’ death and resurrection. These materials include:
- The Last Supper
- City of Jerusalem and the events that took place there during Holy Week
- Parable of the Grain of Wheat
John 12:24 "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.”
- The Empty Tomb