Stewardship 2025

Please pray over the stewardship packet and materials asking

God how he would like you to be generous with your time, talent, and treasure.

For your 2025 Stewardship Card [Click Here]

For the 2024 Ministry Guide Book [Click Here]

As a stewardship parish, each parish family is expected to complete an annual stewardship card. This process allows us to stay up to date on your family information, the ministries you are involved with, and any updates you would like to make to your tithing.

We ask all parishioners to prayerfully discern how you and your family can best use the gifts God has blessed you with and how He would like you to be generous in sharing your time, talent and treasure with the body of Christ.  

School families are required to submit a completed stewardship card each year to receive the special parishioner rate.

Stewardship packets which include the parish guide book and description of ministries, the parish family directory, and stewardship card will be mailed to your home in early January of 2025 and should be returned in a timely manner.

Questions?  Please contact Angela Springer at or 502-458-2500, ext. 1140